Management Of Pneumothorax

Outside the hospital.
  1. In light of spontaneous pneumothorax or pneumothorax simplex. Minimal or no complaints at all, are usually found by accident. The air in the pleural cavity will diresorbsi spontaneously. Because it does not require invasive measures.
  2. "Tension pneumothorax". Done in a sterile and carried out the stabbing in the sore area with a syringe the size of the largest. Stabbings in the space between the ribs into 2 in the front line of mid-clavicle. In young women (cosmetics) stabbings in the space between the ribs into 4 or 5 in the mid-axillary line. Then the needle tip covered with a sheet of thin rubber or thin plastic that can serve as a valve. Subsequently the patient was sent to hospital.
In the hospital.
  1. At the same place to do the installation of WSD, using trokar (troicar). It should be noted, that all actions undertaken SCARA sterile.
  2. WSD is removed, when the lung is expanding well and no complications after plastic hose clamped shut or 24 hours to prove that the pneumothorax was cured.
  3. If the patient is congested, it can be administered with high concentrations of oxygen and given to people with healthy lungs (before). In patients with COPD oxygen delivery must be careful.
  4. To treat pain may be given analgesics like-antalgin 3 x 1 tablet.
  5. In pneumothorax with severe COPD, is sometimes given strong analgesics such as pethidin 100 mg im or morphine 10 mg i.m. Physiotherapy should be given, because it could prevent sputum retention.
  6. If the lung development is rather slow, can be done with a suction pressure of 25-50 cm of water.
  7. In a recurrent pneumothorax (recurrent) do both pleural adhesions by using a material that can cause irritation or materials "scleroting agent".
  8. If there is a-Bronco-pleural fistula, it will be done eksterpasi operation.


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