Historical Influence on Darwin
Thomas Malthus
I think the English Economist, Thomas Malthus had the most influence on Darwin’s theory of natural selection. According to the website, evolution.berkeley.edu, Malthus believed that human population is growing rapidly and availability of resources plays a major role in population growth.
All organisms have the potential of reproducing exponentially :
Just like Darwin used the example about rabbits and their reproduction, Malthus talked about flies and exponentially reproduction. According to evolution.burkely.edu website, Malthus points out that the availability of resources could be one of the reasons why we are not knee deep in flies.
Another point most directly affected by Malthus is about limited availability of resources. Malthus argued that if a family earned more money, then they would have had more children. Likewise, Darwin believed that if rabbits had more food, water and safe shelter then they would have reproduced more offspring.
According to evolution.burkeley.edu website, Malthus looked at humans as group of individuals who were subject to the same basic laws of behavior. I think this is what influenced Darwin to say that individuals do not involve, populations do.
I’m not sure if Darwin could have developed his theory of natural selection without the influence and ideas of Thomas Malthus.
Malthus is the first one who raised the question about population growth and the influence of resources in human or non-human reproduction. I think Malthus’s view on human population plants the seeds for Darwin’s curiosity to the theory of natural selection. However, Malthus was an Economist and he wasn’t interested in evolution at all. In my opinion, if Malthus had looked at population growth from an evolutionist’s point of view, he might have had the same conclusion and findings as Darwin did.
When Darwin wrote a short summary of the Natural Selection, he didn’t think he had enough evidence to support his argument and as a result of that he decided to publish it at a later time. Darwin’s friends and family were concerned about threats associated by his evolutionary ideas and this might be another reason why he decided to publish it at a later time.
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