
Showing posts from November, 2011

Pulmonary Edema

Definitions Edema , in general, means swelling. This typically occurs when fluid from the inside of blood vessels leak out of blood vessels into surrounding tissues, causing swelling. This can occur because of too much pressure in blood vessels or there is not enough proteins in the blood stream to hold the liquid in the plasma (part of blood that does not contain any blood cells). Pulmonary Edema is the term used when edema occurs in the lungs. The area immediately outside of the small blood vessels in the lung occupied by air pockets are very small, called alveoli. This is where oxygen from the air through which blood is taken by, and carbon dioxide in the blood released into the alveoli to exhaled out. Normal alveoli have very thin walls that allow air exchange, and liquids are usually kept away from the walls of the alveoli-dindig unless it loses its integrity. Pulmonary edema is an accumulation of fluid in the lungs due to sudden increase in intravascular pressure. Pulmonary ed...

Language Blog

Part 1: I did this assignment with my fiancé. It was very interesting for both of us to communicate without using any symbolic language. It was very difficult not to use symbolic language. I was doing my best to tell her something without using any words; however, she couldn’t understand what I was trying to tell her. It was very funny and we laughed a lot. After a couple of minutes I decided to change the topic and “talk” (or communicate) about something else. I thought if I pick an easier topic she might understand my point. I think my fiancé changed the way she normally communicates with me during this assignment. She was getting frustrated towards the end of the assignment. I think she was tired of guessing what I was trying to tell her. If we were from two different cultures communicating for the first time, the culture who used symbolic language will take the lead in conversation and express his/her opinions easily. Furthermore, the culture that uses symbolic language might get i...

Respiratory Failure

Respiratory failure is the inability of the respiratory system to maintain normal blood oxygenation (PaO 2 ), elimination of carbon dioxide (PaCO 2 ) and pH Adequate ventilation problem caused by diffusion or perfusion. Respiratory failure is inadequate gas exchange to hypoxia, hypercapnia (increased arterial carbon dioxide concentration), and acidosis. Respiratory failure occurs when the exchange of O 2 to CO 2 in the lungs can not maintain the rate of O 2 consumption and CO 2 formation in the body's cells causing pO 2 <> 2> 45 mmHg (hypercapnia) (Smeltzer, C Susane, 2001) Causes / Etiology 1. The central nervous system depression Resulting in respiratory failure due to inadequate ventilation. Respiratory centers that control breathing, located below the brain stem (pons and medulla) so slow and shallow breathing. 2. Primary neurological disorder May hamper respiratory function. Impulses arising in the respiratory center spreads through the nerves that extend from ...

Benefits and Risk of Asthma Drugs

Talk about the asthma medication, not separated from the wide selection of types of drugs available. Starting from the class of drugs, intended use, as well as dosage forms. Different classes of drugs will show different effects. Different effects will affect the intended use, whether the drugs used to prevent or to cope with current asthma relapse. While the dosage form influencing onset (time taken from drug to drug consumption have an effect) and the effectiveness of medications so usually adjust to the goals of treatment and the patient's condition. But keep in mind the drug in addition to having the benefit, of course not separated from the risk of side effects . Class of steroids . Examples of drugs known as steroids include budesonide , dexamethasone and beclometason . First-line drugs in asthma therapy is commonly used for the purpose of preventing a recurrence of asthma . But can also to address the current state of asthma relapse. In preventive therapy that requires ...

Pulmonary Embolism

Pulmonary embolism is the obstruction of one or more pulmonary artery by a thrombus originating from somewhere. (Brunner and Suddarth) Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a blockage of the main artery of the lung or one of its branches by a substance That has Travelled from elsewhere in the body through the bloodstream (embolism). (Wikipedia) Causes Most cases of pulmonary embolism according to Brunner and Suddarth caused by 1. Blood clot 2. Air bubble 3. Fat 4. Tumor cells Pulmonary Embolism (PE) Overview Causes Clinical Manifestations Pathophysiology Diagnostic Examination Investigations Complication Medical Management Clinical Manifestations The symptoms of pulmonary embolism depends on the size of the thrombus and the area of ​​the pulmonary artery is clogged by a thrombus. The symptoms may be nonspecific. Chest pain is the most common symptom and usually has a sudden onset and is pleuritic. Subternal sometimes can and can mimic angina pectoris or myocardial infarction. Dyspnea is the sec...

Radiological Abnormalities of Atelectasis

When the whole lung is deflated, there will be a homogeneous shadow on the sides of it, to heart and went to the department's trachea and the diaphragm lifted. When only one lobe of the atelaktasis caused by bronchial obstruction, may appear two characteristic abnormalities. The first abnormality is a shadow of a homogeneous than the deflated lobe itself, which will occupy a smaller space than when it develops at all. A right upper lobe collapse would appear as an opaque area at the top, with a limit that is strictly concave beneath the clavicle near the fissures caused by the raised horizontalis. The left upper lobe usually includes Lingula when deflated, and the resulting image is less firm without the firm lower limit. But in the lateral projection would seem a tongue-shaped shadow with a peak near the diaphragm; anteriorly, it may be up to the sternum, or may be separated by a translucent area of ​​the lungs caused by a slip right next to them and the sternum posterior shadow I...

Piltdown Hoax

Piltdown hoax The story of the Piltdown man begins in East Sussex. An amateur Archeologist (Charles Dawson) at the gravel pit near the village of Piltdown discovered a skull. By 1912 popular press spread the news. Many scientists were skeptical of the findings; however, they didn’t want to challenge Charles Dawson and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In 1953 Kenneth P. Oakley, who was a professor of Anthropology at Oxford University applied modern technology and found out that the Piltdown skulls were hoaxes. It was a combination of fragments of a medieval man’s skull, an orangutan’s jawbone and chimpanzee’s teeth. The skull was chemically treated to look older. Oakley and his researchers found out that the jaw was of a 500 year old Orangutan which was chemically aged. Microscopic studies showed that the teeth came from fossilized chimpanzee which were modified to look more human. Prior to this finding, the hoax created distorted family tree for modern man and his ancestors. We don’t know the p...

Prevention & Treatment of Atelectasis

Prevention Treatment of atelectasis based on the etiology of the disease. However, prevention is the most important factor. The fundamental framework of therapy is early mobilization and frequent position changes on the client or the client postoperative bedrest. Breath in an orderly important because the client is generally a decline in the influence of anesthesia awareness, decreased mobility, and pain. Mucolytic bronchodilator and, if indicated, and chest physiotherapy will greatly help, adequate ventilation can be increased primarily to changes in position, effective coughing, deep breathing or incentive spirometry. There are several ways you can do to prevent the occurrence of atelectasis : After undergoing surgery, the patient should be encouraged to breathe deeply, cough regularly and return to activity as quickly as possible. Although smokers have a greater risk, but this risk can be lowered by quitting smoking in 6-8 weeks before surgery. A person with chest abnormality or ...


Atelectasis is a common acute restrictive disease occurs, include the collapse of lung tissue or lung functional unit. Atelectasis is a common problem post-surgery clients. Atelectasis is incomplete lung expansion at birth (neonatorum atelectasis) or collapse before fully developed alveoli, which are usually found in adults that is atelectasis acquired. Atelectasis is shriveling, some or all of the lung caused by blockage of the airways (bronchi and bronchioles) or by very shallow breathing. Pulmonary Atelectasis is a state or part of the lung who have developed resistance to perfect that developing lung aeration or completely filled with air. As a basic picture of atelectasis is radiologically in the lung volume reduction both lobaris, segmental or whole lung, with the consequent lack of aeration, thus giving more gloomy shadow (high density) with the withdrawal of the mediastinum towards the atelectasis, whereas the diaphragm is pulled up and broke ribs narrowed. Types of Atelecta...

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

Acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS) Overview Etiology Risk Factors Pathophysiology Clinical Manifestations Diagnostic Examination Therapeutic Management Complication Medical Management Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) or also known as Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) is an immature development of the respiratory system or an inadequate amount of surfactant in the lung. RDS is said to be hyaline membrane disease (HMD). Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) is the immature development of the respiratory system or an inadequate amount of surfactant in the lung. RDS is said to be hyaline membrane disease (HMD). ARDS formerly most commonly signified adult respiratory distress syndrome to differentiate it from infant respiratory distress syndrome in premature infants. However, as this type of pulmonary edema also occurs in children, ARDS has gradually shifted to mean acute rather than adult. The differences with the typical infant syndrome remain(Wikipedia) Etiology Associa...