Pulmonary Edema

Definitions Edema , in general, means swelling. This typically occurs when fluid from the inside of blood vessels leak out of blood vessels into surrounding tissues, causing swelling. This can occur because of too much pressure in blood vessels or there is not enough proteins in the blood stream to hold the liquid in the plasma (part of blood that does not contain any blood cells). Pulmonary Edema is the term used when edema occurs in the lungs. The area immediately outside of the small blood vessels in the lung occupied by air pockets are very small, called alveoli. This is where oxygen from the air through which blood is taken by, and carbon dioxide in the blood released into the alveoli to exhaled out. Normal alveoli have very thin walls that allow air exchange, and liquids are usually kept away from the walls of the alveoli-dindig unless it loses its integrity. Pulmonary edema is an accumulation of fluid in the lungs due to sudden increase in intravascular pressure. Pulmonary ed...