
Showing posts from October, 2011

Bronchogenic Carcinoma

Bronchogenic carcinoma is a malignant primary lung tumors, which originate from the respiratory tract. Pathophysiology and Etiology Etiology of bronchogenic carcinoma is not known definitely. Factors that are considered influential: Inhaled long-term (15-20 years) of carcinogenic substances, such as: Cigarette smoke Exposure to industry: asbestos , nickel, "ion exchange resin", arsenic. Predisposing family relations / race (not clear). Scar tissue in the lung because of other diseases, like tuberculosis , pulmonary infarction. Clinical Symptoms and Diagnosis 1. Symptoms intrapulmoner: Cough Coughing up blood Shortness of breath Chest pain Stridor unilateral 2. Symptoms intratorakal metastatic to other organs such as: Phrenic nerve: parese / paralise diaphragm. Recurrent nerve: parese / paralise vocal cords. Sympathetic nerves: from Horner's syndrome. Esophagus: disfagi. Superior vena cava: the superior vena cava syndrome. Traka & Bronchial: ateletaksis or shortness o...

Management of COPD

The goal of COPD management are: Touch ups the ability of people with symptoms mengatasiu not only in the acute phase, but also the chronic phase. Improving the ability of the patient in carrying out daily activities. Reducing the rate of progression of disease if the disease can be detected early. Management of COPD in the elderly are as follows: Etiological factors negate / precipitation, for example immediately stop smoking, avoid air pollution. Cleaning the bronchial secretions to help in various ways. Eradicate the infection with antimicrobial. In the absence of antimicrobial infections need not be given. Provision of appropriate antimicrobial should be in accordance with the germs that cause infections according to the results of sensitivity testing or empirical treatment. Overcome bronchospasm with bronchodilator drugs. The use of corticosteroids to resolve the inflammatory process (bronchospasm) is still controversial. Symptomatic treatment. Treatment of the complications tha...

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

COPD(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is a broad classification of disorders that includes chronic bronchitis , bronchiectasis , emphysema and asthma , which is an irreversible condition associated with dyspnea on exertion and decreased air flow in and out of the lungs. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a disease that causes airway obstruction, including therein is asthma , chronic bronchitis and emphysema Pulmonum . Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a lung disorder characterized by impaired lung function in the form of prolonged expiratory period caused by the narrowing of the airways and not much changed in the period of observation for some time. Disease chronic obstructive lung is a term used for a group of lung diseases that last long and is characterized by increased resistance to air flow as the main pathophysiological picture. Classification Diseases included in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease group are as follows: 1. Chronic Bronchitis Bronchi...

Protein Synthesis


Historical Influence on Darwin

1. Thomas Malthus 2. I think the English Economist, Thomas Malthus had the most influence on Darwin’s theory of natural selection. According to the website,, Malthus believed that human population is growing rapidly and availability of resources plays a major role in population growth. 3. All organisms have the potential of reproducing exponentially : Just like Darwin used the example about rabbits and their reproduction, Malthus talked about flies and exponentially reproduction. According to website, Malthus points out that the availability of resources could be one of the reasons why we are not knee deep in flies. Another point most directly affected by Malthus is about limited availability of resources. Malthus argued that if a family earned more money, then they would have had more children. Likewise, Darwin believed that if rabbits had more food, water and safe shelter then they would have reproduced more offspring. According to evoluti...


Asbestosis is a respiratory disease caused by inhaling asbestos fibers, where the lungs extensive scar tissue is formed. Asbestos minerals consist of silicate fibers with different chemical composition. If inhaled, asbestos fibers settle in the lungs, causing scarring. Inhaling asbestos can also cause thickening of the pleura  (the membrane lining the lungs). Causes Inhaling asbestos fibers can cause scarring ( fibrosis ) in the lungs. Lung tissue fibrosis that forms can not inflate and deflate properly. Severity of the disease depends on the duration of exposure and the number of fibers inhaled. Exposure to asbestos can be found in the mining and milling, construction and other industries. Exposure to asbestos workers' families can also occur from particles brought home on the clothing of workers. Diseases caused by asbestos include: Pleural plaques (calcification) Malignant mesothelioma Pleural effusion . Mesothelioma can occur within 20-40 years after exposure. Cigarette smokin...

How to Diagnose Occupational asthma

To make a diagnosis Occupational asthma , please note a history of atopy, exposure assessment, immunology (molecular and cellular), photograph and physiology as hipereaktivitas lung bronchus, lung function series, the specific inhalation test is the gold standard. The diagnosis of occupational asthma in principle is to connect the clinical symptoms of asthma in the working environment is therefore a need for a good history and appropriate investigations. Thorough history of what happened in the work environment is essential, such as: when to start work somewhere this time, what the job before at work today, what is done every day, the process of what happens in the workplace, the materials used in the production process and the data material. And that is not less important is the field review by the examiner (doctor) to better understand the field situation. In addition to the history of the workplace, which should also know is about the clinical happening. When the first occurrence of...

Management of Occupational asthma

To prevent the occurrence of occupational asthma is a medical examination prior to employment, use of protective equipment, monitoring air pollutants in the working environment is highly recommended. If occupational asthma has occurred, then transfer to the outside of the work environment is important. If for some reason can not be moved then it must be the prevention and monitoring of lung function decline. Periodic evaluation of lung function in workers who already suffer from occupational asthma are needed to prevent disability. Clinical asthma will persist until a few years even though the worker has been out of work environment. Medical treatment in patients with occupational asthma such as bronchial asthma in general: Theophylline , a bronchodilator and may suppress neutrophil chemotactic factor. Effectiveness of the two functions above depend on the serum levels of theophylline. Beta agonists , bronchodilators are the most good for the treatment of occupational asthma in com...

Occupational asthma

Occupational asthma is a respiratory disease characterized by attacks of shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing, which is caused by a variety of materials encountered in the workplace. These symptoms usually occur due to spasm of the muscles lining the airways, so that the airway becomes very narrow. Cause Many substances (allergens, the cause of the symptoms) in the workplace that can cause asthma due to work. The most common are protein molecules (wood dust, grain dust, animal dander, mold particles) or other chemicals (especially diisocyanate). Exact figures of the incidence of asthma because of the work is unknown, but suspected of approximately 20-20% of asthma in industrialized countries was asthma because of the work. The workers who are at high risk for suffering from asthma because of the work is; Plastic workers Metal worker Firing workers Mill worker Workers grain Laboratory workers Woodworker Workers at the pharmaceutical Workers at the detergent factory. Symptoms Symp...