Management of Lung abscess

1. General management:
Improving the general condition of patients with high-calorie high-protein diet and drink plenty of fluids.
a. Antibiotics.
  • Procaine penicillin G given 1.2 million units im every 12 hours + chloramphenicol 500 mg every 6 hours for 10-15 days. or
  • Procaine penicillin G 1.2 million units i.m. every 12 hours + Metronidazole 500 mg every 6 hours for 10-15 days. or
  • Clindamycin 600 mg every 8 hours for 10-15 days.

b. Postural drainage and physiotherapy.
The position of the body are arranged so that pus can come out by itself (due to gravity) or with the help of the physiotherapist.

2. Special Treatment:
a. Bronchoscopy
If pus is difficult exit, it is necessary to bronchoscopy to clear the airway and sucking pussy.
b. Surgery
When chemotherapy failed. A chronic abscess, cavity remains and sputum production remained there while the clinical symptoms are still present after adequate therapy for 6 weeks or the rest of extensive scar tissue that can interfere with lung physiology. This is all an indication of surgery.

Tags : Management Of Lung abscess, management for Lung abscess, Lung abscess management, community acquired Lung abscess, Lung abscess treatment, treatment of Lung abscess, Lung abscess medical management


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