
Showing posts from September, 2011


Pulmonary tuberculosis is a disease of chronic bacterial infection caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis, an acid-fast bacilli are transmitted through the air. The disease is characterized by granuloma formation in infected tissues. Patients with tuberculosis in the Asian region continues to grow. So far, Asia including the region with the highest spread of tuberculosis in the world. Every 30 seconds, there was one patient in Asia died from the disease. Eleven of the 22 countries with the highest numbers of TB cases are in Asia, including Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, and Pakistan. Four of five patients with TB in Asia, including the productive age group. Etiology Tuberculosis is caused by TB germs are mycobacterium tuberculosis measuring 0.3 x 2-4 cm. The nature of this bacteria is aerobic is more like living in a high tissue oxygen levels and also in cells that are dormant bacilli is not active but if the bacilli out of the cell will proliferate, the patient will experience a ...

Lung Cancer Prevention

There is no sure way to prevent lung cancer, but you can reduce the risk if you: No smoking. If you have never smoked, do not start. Talk with your kids not to smoke so they could understand how to avoid the major risk factors of lung cancer . Many smokers start smoking in their teens. Start a conversation about the dangers of smoking with your children early so they know how to react to peer pressure. Stop smoking. Stop smoking now. Quitting smoking reduces the risk of lung cancer , even if you have smoked for many years. Consultation with your doctor about smoking cessation strategies and assistance that can help you quit. Options include nicotine replacement products, medication and support groups. Avoid cigarette smoke. If you live or work with smokers, encourage him to stop. At the very least, ask him to smoke outside. Avoid areas where people smoke, such as bars and restaurants, and choose the smoke-free area. Your home radon test. Check the levels of radon in your home, especial...

Lung Cancer Treatment

Bronchial benign tumors are usually removed surgically because they can clog the bronchi and long may become malignant. Sometimes performed surgery on the cancer other than small cell carcinoma that has not spread. Approximately 10-35% of cancers can be removed surgically, but surgery does not always bring healing. Approximately 25-40% of patients and isolated tumor grows slowly, has a life expectancy of up to 5 years after his illness was diagnosed. Patients should perform routine checks for lung cancer recurrence in 6-12% of patients who had undergone surgery. Before surgery, performed lung function tests to determine whether the remaining lung can still perform its functions well or not. If the result is ugly, it is not possible to do surgery. Surgery is not necessary if: - The cancer has spread beyond the lung - Cancer is too close to the trachea - Patients have serus circumstances (such as heart disease or lung disease is severe). Radiation therapy performed in patients who can n...

Lung Cancer

Most lung cancers originate from cells in the lungs, but lung cancer can also originate from cancer in other body parts that spread to the lungs. Lung cancer is the most common cancer in both men and women. Lung cancer is also the leading cause of cancer deaths. Types of Lung Cancer More than 90% of lung cancers originated from the bronchi (large airways into the lungs), cancer is called carcinoma bronchogenic, which consists of: Squamous cell carcinoma Small cell carcinoma or squamous cell wheat Large cell carcinoma Adenocarcinoma. Alveolar cell carcinoma derived from air pockets (alveoli) in the lungs. This cancer can be a single growth, but often strike more than one area in the lung. Lung tumors are less common are: Adenoma (can be malignant or benign) Condromatous hamartoma (benign) Sarcoma (malignant) Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph system, which can be derived from the lung or is spread from another organ. Many cancers that originate from other places to spread to the lun...


Pleurisy is irritation and inflammation in the pleura. Pathophysiology and Etiology Secondary occur as a result of the primary causes such as pneumonia (bacterial or viral) , pulmonary embolism , pulmonary tuberculosis , bronchiectasis . Associated with rib fractures and thoracic wall. Irritation that comes from below the diaphragm: hepatitis or abscess subfrenik. Pleurodinia epidemic (Bornholm disease, devil's grippe). Pleurodinia epidemics such as " lupus erythematosus " Inflammation of the pleura with fibrineus exudate can lead to pleural adhesions. Pleurisy Symtomps Complaints and symptoms according to the basic disease, such as pneumonia, pulmonary infarction, but the protruding chest pain. Chest pain like being stabbed associated with inspiration and expiration. Breathing becomes shallow and rapid. Because of pain, reduced chest expansion on the sore area and decreased breath sounds. Pleural friction sound can be heard on breathing in, especially on the " dry...